Thursday, October 14, 2010

Chile's rescue of the 33 miners

I found myself caught up in the rescue of the 33 miners this week in Chile. Actually, I thought my heart would burst as they began to pull the men up from where they had been buried l/2 mile in the mine. What got me the most was the way in which the government in Chile worked with other countries to get the job done. Also, from the supervisors to the janitors, each level of workers did the job to get the men home safely. No one was blaming others or pointing fingers (Obama). No one said they needed time to think about it or discuss it with their advisors (Obama). No one claimed to have all the answers or denied there was a problem (Obama), they just went about the difficult task of doing the work needed to rescue the men; and they did it.
As I watched television on Tuesday night, I found myself sobbing. It was heart-warming to see the bravery and love each person displayed. It was teamwork to the highest degree.
Way to go Chile Chi Chi Chi le le le Chile Chile Chile

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