Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I was there....

First, people should realize that real court is very different from what you see on television. For one thing, everything slows down and it all drags on. It is mostly about procedures; papers needing to be filed, who did what on what day, and who is representing who?
Judge Bill Swann did a good job of ferreting out the truth from Erin McLean. She came in with flame orange hair; yeah, a good way to hide--go incognito with flaming orange hair. She seemed smaller than life and it was like she was trying to make herself appear like a victim. She is not that pretty; certainly nothing to get killed over.
Jason Eric looked at her, but she did not look at him. But she was placed on the witness stand in front of him, so he almost had to look at her if he looked forward.
Jamie Saterfield, the reporter for the KNS, who has covered this story in detail was there. She was texting like a speed racer.
Erin has hired a new attorney, a female named Brandy Slaybaugh. You won't read this anywhere else, but Slaybaugh did an outstanding job for her client. She kept her off the witness stand on two different times when the judge was nearly yelling he wanted to talk to her. It took a big maneuver, but Slaybaugh kept her from talking which probably saved her more jail time.


Unknown said...

I saw the case on "Snapped" and thought Slaybaugh was a transsexual.

She sounds like a man.

Anonymous said...

I fail to see where that is of any consequence to the case or...well...anything for that matter. Grow up.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Slaybaugh is VERY sexy